Freedom of Expression Documentation Centre
For student trainees or individuals interested who want to learn about our work:
Your roles will include:
- Observing freedom of expression violation cases at civilian and military courts.
- To meet and talk with defendants and relatives for human rights violations documentation.
- To learn about the importance in safeguarding human rights and the procedures in protecting these rights.
- To learn oral and written (online) communication techniques, the skills involved in communication on human rights issues.
- Interest in issues of civil rights and freedom of expression issues and an open mind on varying opinions.
- Enthusiasm for learning, teamwork and want to part for challenging activities beneath period of National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).
- Able to work late hours, through holiday periods and able to travel to different provinces.
- Able to use software to create and edit graphics, montages and possess working fluency in the English language. Graduates with a Bachelors of Law will receive special consideration.
Interns will not receive pecuniary compensation. If interns are required to travel, travel expenses will be covered. Where appropriate, allowances and work compensation will be granted.
Submit expressions of interest and resume to the email address
or our Facebook Page
Tel. 02 615-4797